The Diamond Valley Railway's Proposal to Extend the Experience

The Diamond Valley Railway wants to build a new railway circuit in the southern part of Eltham Lower Park. We want to do this because passenger numbers have been increasing rapidly for the past decade and the increase does not look like stopping any time soon. Anyone who has attended the railway on a Sunday with good weather will know that waiting times of 30 minutes or more are too common. The queues can be more than 200 metres in length. We cannot fit any more trains onto our current circuit and there are no modifications that can be made that will alleviate the problem. Any tinkering with the layout will be ineffectual, but not doing something will mean that the railway will increasingly be swamped with passengers and the passenger experience will be less than it could be.

If you want to know why we want to extend and what our proposal is please click here

We will need the help of the public to be able to build another circuit. In order to do this, the Eltham Lower Park Masterplan will need to be reviewed and amended. We ask that when that happens, and if you are supportive of our plans, that you actively participate in providing feedback to any consultation process that the Council may decide to enter into.

You may also be interested in the 'Ten Frequently Asked Questions' about the Yarra Landing Extension: click here